So... since no one ever reads this I feel like I can vent without offending too many people. So, I'm recently divorced (finalized back in March). My now ex husband had a girlfriend while we were married, and they are now engaged. The funny part comes in because from my understanding he met her on leave, and fell in love (in less than a week), then left the country for about four months. When he returned she had moved into his (my old) apartment in Maine... after living together for about a month they got engaged. Now, I realize that my ex is indeed not the brightest.. but I knew well enough that he wouldn't just get engaged again, not that fast.. witout a good reason... and indeed she is pregnant. The poor girl.. I mean, he is such an abusive, jealous, insecure person..don't get me wrong, he has a good heart overall, but she has no idea what she is getting herself into. Sure, it's all great in the beginning.. but she is going to have his child and be attached to him forever now.. they don't even know eachother yet. He abused and assaulted me and our pets, as I'm sure he will do to her and his child.. it's so sad.
I felt sorry for her until tonight though. I found that she made a myspace page for my shepherd. (Which is just ridiculous in my opinion.) But my problem is that she is calling herself his mommy. I adopted him, paid $1600 for him, named him, and raised him from a puppy to an adult.. I'm Zeus' mommy. I know it shouldn't bother me that much, but, I had to give up that dog, along with several other things to make a clean safe break from my now ex.. and I miss Zeus. She is NOT his mommy, step mommy.. sure.. but not mommy! On another funny sidenote.. I saw that she has tattoos all over her side... HA.. they will never look the same after pregnancy.
Anyhoo, I still wish them well.. though I can honestly say that I've built up a pretty big dislike for them both.. I mean.. all the things I did to keep him out of jail, and in the navy.. and just overall out of trouble for him to turn around and have a girlfriend behind my back.. and completly screw me over and continue treating me horribly.. ug. I feel like I should've had him thrown in jail, and kicked out of the navy.. I could've destroyed his life! But, I didn't, I remained the bigger person. YAY me! As for her, she was messing around with a married man.. so I say "eff" her! Plus I had a couple shoe boxes of letters and cards there, and she threw them away! Seriously, she had NO RIGHT to do that.. isn't it illegal to mess with someone elses mail anyways? There were cards and letters not only from my ex, but from my family from over the years... It's all freaking upsetting.
But, I'm doing well overall. Work is moving right along, and I've still got my new car, great dog, and awesome apartment.. not to mention amazing friends and family. I've been getting out and doing things.. meeting new people, taking road trips.. and having fun! WOO!