Thursday, March 19, 2009

Another Day in Paradise

So, another month has passed out here... and boy it's getting HOT! My air conditioner has been broken for a couple weeks now and it's terrible. I'm working nights, so trying to sleep during the day my room easily hits over 100 degrees! Sleep is imposible. Hopefully someone will actually show up to fix it sometime soon.

Other than that, things are going well. Gary is still here, but not for much longer. He got extended for a bit, but, that time has wound down too and we must say goodbye. :( ..for now. :) I know each day that goes by though is another day closer to seeing him again! I can't wait!

I guess thats it for now, a couple more months in the desert then I'm on my way home! :) I'm trying to get orders to Maryland, so wish me luck on that!!

1 comment:

jax from the harmon squad said...

ok, so I'm sad Gary is leaving and that your a/c broke (do you at least have a fan?). But I'm very excited you're almost done and that you may be going to Maryland!! But even if you have to go back to Maine I'm gonna try and visit (it's been WAY too long and right now Maine intrigues me so I need to check it out for myself)