^ The most thoughtful Valentines gift ever! <3 (I'd have to explain it to you)
So, I'm still over here in the desert... I've been trying to post for awhile, but it's hard to figure out how to log in with everything in arabic. LOL Anyhoo, we're about halfway through our deployment now... we had a cookout today to celebrate. Too bad it's all the same nasty food we have to eat everyday anyways.
The days are passing pretty quickly over here, though right now I wish they would just slow down a bit. Gary, (the British fellow from my last post), is leaving in about two weeks.... I swear the days are just flying right now. :( I can't stand the thought of him leaving, but, I know everything will be fine... just three more lonely months in the desert for me, then back stateside... then maybe a visit to the UK ;)
I guess thats it for now, I think I've figured out the easiest way to log in on here, so hopefully I'll keep up better!